Please Read the Instructions First
The Model Qualifications System (MQS) contains a complete set of the documents, forms, applications, and checklists that an Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) or organization needs in order to develop, implement, and operate a robust NQS or AHIMTA compliant qualification system or program. The jurisdiction just needs to follow the editing instructions and they will have developed a NIMS NQS compliant qualifications system for all ICS positions, whether or not they sponsor an AHIMT in their jurisdiction.
The MQS is a Complete System – Ready to edit and Implement
The MQS is a complete set of documents, forms, applications, and checklists AHJs can modify and tailor as needed to develop and implement their own qualifications programs. Following the editing and tailoring instructions provided in the margins of the Microsoft Word® templates, the AHJ will have developed their system based on a national model, but tailored for their jurisdiction. This package is in use and has been tested by AHJs that are currently using it to mange their programs.
The NQS and the IIMQS are guidance documents a jurisdiction should follow as they develop their own documents, forms, applications, and checklists. It does not provide those forms, it just provides guidance in how to develop them. Because there are no ready to use forms and checklists, it has not been tested by an AHJ.
The Files
The MQS Instructions
This three page Adobe® document describes the NQS compliant USFA/AHIMTA Model Qualifications System and what is included in the Zip File Package. We strongly recommend reading this prior to downloading the MQS Zip File Package.
The Model Qualifications System File Package
The package is a zip file package of 27 documents, templates, and forms organized in 7 folders. Before any documents can be opened and used the zipped file needs to be extracted (decompressed) using any compatible file compression/extraction software and saved to a location you choose. Once downloaded into a directory of your choice, the files can be opened and edited to fit your AHJs environment.
Remember that a Word Template file will require the user to save the document using the “Save As” command and will ask for a new file name. This prevents the user from inadvertently ruining the original template.