Final Document Released on April 2, 2024
The 3-Tiered Preparedness System (3TPS) for All-Hazards Incident Management Teams (AHIMTs) is a peer-developed and -managed national best-practice methodology for quantifying and standardizing the level of preparedness an AHIMT should possess to be able to deploy successfully in the geographic area of operation the AHIMT’s governance document identifies.
The concept of developing a 3 Tiered Preparedness System was originally introduced in 2018. Dozens of drafts were reviewed by stakeholders over the next few years until the concept was finally approved on September 29, 2022. Additional information on the background and history of the concept development is posted on the 3-Tiered Preparedness System Concept page.
The 3TPS ensures that an AHIMT’s level of preparedness in the administrative, logistical, and operational areas aligns with peer-developed national preparedness and capability standards. The standardized national preparedness levels were developed based on After-Action Reports from AHIMTs and the entities that requested those AHIMT resources.
AHIMT Program Managers, AHIMT Team Managers, and AHIMT advisory groups are welcome to participate and provide feedback during the development of Appendix B and the model documents that accompany the finalized Implementation and Management Plan. Please email the project manager, Geoffrey Wilford, at ([email protected]) and request to be added to the reviewer list.
Please click the link below to download the finalized Implementation and Management Plan. The plan describes the roles and responsibilities of the 3TPS users, the relationship of the 3TPS to the other USFA/AHIMTA and FEMA guidance and initiatives, and the implementation phases.
The Implementation and Management Plan contains Appendix A, the Preparedness Metrics Tables, but does not include Appendix B, Metric Descriptions and Details, that provide specific details, like the individual subjects or topics that must be included in the documents referenced in Appendix A.
Appendix B is being actively worked on by several functional work groups consisting of AHIMT members and AHIMT program mangers.
Please click the link below to download the June 11, 2024 draft of Appendix B, Metrics Details and Examples.